Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Choose not to Participate

Are you back from the long weekend feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work? I've often found that an extra day off or a small change in my thinking makes a big difference in my work performance. On this note, today speaker and sales trainer Billy Cox shares the idea of "choosing not to participate." I'm thinking of taking on that mindset when it comes to the recession - and any other negativity in my life!

"I recently spent a fantastic weekend with a couple of top producers from a large insurance company," says Cox. "Their business is way up in a down economy. As a matter of fact, they just experienced a record quarter in sales and recruiting."

"I asked them how they managed to produce record results. They responded by saying "we choose not to participate." I've found this attitude to be true with top producers in all areas. While many people predict doom and gloom and some salespeople look for every excuse in the book to produce less, the top performers choose not to participate."

"Those who choose not to participate turn off the evening news and feed their mind with positive uplifting thoughts. They understand that their attitude determines their altitude. Sure, they have as many challenges as anyone else. They have objections to overcome and rejections to deal with."

"So what do they do? They work a little harder and a little smarter. They reinvest in themselves and their knowledge and future. They attend seminars to sharpen their skills and network with empowering people. They choose what and who they listen to and the words they speak. They think winning thoughts and when someone asks them how they are breaking records in recessionary times they simply reply "Recession....Oh, we choose not to participate in it"

The key word is "CHOOSE." Because success is a choice, you can choose what you read, what you listen to, who you hang around with, and how hard you work. It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. Are you participating or are you choosing not to participate? It's your choice and it's a decision you have to make daily.

I challenge you to dig deep down inside and make up your mind that you are not going to participate in a pity party. You have to decide that you will never settle for less than your very best anymore. You must rise up above today's challenges and be a leader by making the right choices.

By choosing not to participate in life's negativity, you actually can make better choices that will contribute to your success. It's your choice to participate in success and to be in the top 10 percent in your field. When you reach this level of success, you get to experience 90 percent of the wealth and associated successes.

Of course, nothing happens without taking massive focused action. The top performers take massive focused action each and every day. They work with purpose and passion and a strong belief in their products and services. And, those who choose not to participate are the ones who eventually achieve the results they desire.

Learn more from Billy Cox at www.billycoxinternational.com. You can also reach him at info@billycoxinternational.com

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