Thursday, May 21, 2009

Power Words for Selling

While there may not be any magic words you can use to close a sale, there are certainly words that can help you move in the right direction. Tim Smith recently wrote about some of these words on the Brooks Group blog. Read Smith's list of power words and let us know if you have any of your own!

"I have found that there are three words that "when used properly" carry tremendous influence, no matter what the situation, regardless of the industry and irrespective of the type of person you are meeting with," says Smith. They are:


This is probably the most powerful word you can use. From an early age, we have been programmed to accept this triggering word "because". Remember when you asked your parents why you couldn't do a certain thing and they responded, "Because I said so." Not the best answer, but we learn to accept it. The same is true as adults.

There has been direct research demonstrating this word alone is powerful enough to cause people to allow you an appointment, maintain your price and successfully negotiate. One study showed that people were willing to allow others to cut in line in front of them to make copies with the statement "I need to cut in line because I need to make some copies."


This word is great for presenting your solution, but it can be used in many different areas depending on the situation. In my own sales consultations I often say, "Based on what you told me, I recommend..." or "I recommend we set up a time next week to review our solution." Whatever the situation, the word recommend positions you properly and allows you to be viewed as an expert endorsing valuable solutions, as opposed to just a product-pushing salesperson.


When applied conservatively and accurately, the word instantly is excellent to use in your sales letters, marketing collateral, during a presentation or any other area that is appropriate. The reason it works is because we live in a society, which, to some extent, has conditioned many people to expect immediate results. We have microwaves, fast food, video-on-demand, drive thru oil change facilities, and up until recently, easy credit. We all expect instant gratification instead of waiting for long-term results or gain. Prospects and customers want to solve their problems instantly.

"I think we must always pay attention to the words we use and seek to understand why certain words work or do not work in the context of our day-to-day selling," says Smith. "I sincerely believe these words will help any salesperson sell more and secure more appointments."

The Brooks Group is a Sales and Sales Management Screening, Development, and Retention company that has helped more than 2,000 organizations in 500 industries transform their businesses by focusing on building and sustaining top-performing sales, sales management and business development programs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
What entertaining question