Friday, May 22, 2009

Recognizing Buying Signals

If you're new to sales, or just looking for a refresher course, this advice from sales trainer Colleen Francis is important to remember. A reader recently asked her how to recognize buying signals - something we all should be able to do! Read on to make sure you're ready to recognize, and capitalize, on buying signals.

"Listening to the client and recognizing buying signals as your opportunity to close will help you get more deals done more quickly," says Francis. "To do this effectively you will need to know the signals and the appropriate responses."

Here are some common statements / signals your client may make during the sales presentation or process:

Signal: "I could likely have a few people help me with that."
Response: "Great. Do you have their names now?"

Signal: "That would work well with my plans to..."
Response: "Tell me how."

Note: Although this doesn't go for the close directly it helps them reinforce the benefits, and puts them in a position where they are visualizing ownership even more.

Signal: "Mary would be the lady who would help you with the paperwork..."
Response: "Good. Tell me a little about Mary. May I have her contact information?"

Note: We want to get them involved in discussing and planning the details of the next step (meaning the sale). Also, by getting others involved, of course they're deep into the transaction.

Possible Buying Signal: They relate an experience with a competitor, or a similar type of product or even if it was negative. "I talked to another consultant once about this program and didn't have a great experience."

Response: "Oh? What happened?"

Note: This could mean that they're open to your service, and are hesitant because they were burned before and need to be assured that you are different. You need to get the details first. Dig deep. Keep them talking. The more you have, the more you're able to deal with reasons, not symptoms.

"Your job is to keep the conversations moving towards the sale," says Francis. "In other words: ask questions!"

Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. Armed with skills developed from years of experience, Colleen helps clients realize immediate results, achieve lasting success and permanently raise their bottom line. Learn more at

The SalesDog blog will be quiet on Monday as we take the day off to spend time with our families and remember those that have served our country. We'll see you on Tuesday!

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