If you've been trying to get in with a new prospect with no luck, the solution to your problem could be right inside your office. Referral expert Joanne Black shares what you need to know to tap into the sales leads within your own office.
"I am always amazed when my clients discover that a person in their San Francisco office has an ideal contact for their Atlanta, Prague, or Shanghai offices," says Black. "I was conducting a call with representatives from my client's Chicago, Portland, Toronto, and Los Angeles offices. One of the salespeople in Portland described a new client he was about to win. His counterpart in Los Angeles said they were doing business with that company in Southern California. The two decided to link up and work on a strategy together."
"It's time to think beyond yourself, your sales executives, and sales support as the only members of your team," continues Black. "Think beyond your immediate team, and beyond your geographic office. Think about the obvious: Think of everyone within your company or organization as a much-needed, ready-to-be-activated resource to grow your business - exponentially."
The Secret: Look Within
Salespeople within your company have huge potential to help you expand your reach. They know people in your territory - in the companies you're targeting. Everyone, regardless of his or her role in the sales organization, is part of your sales team. Your employees and co-workers can help you tap into more industry knowledge. They may have insight into an organization's culture, structure, or politics - and may be a surprisingly valuable sounding board to discuss account strategy.
Your best resource for potential new business is all around you. Everyone in your organization knows dozens and maybe even hundreds of other people. Who do you think understands the value of your organization better than the people who work there? Who could possible have more invested in your company's success? Your job will be to bring everyone into the sales process. Start by finding out who they know. To do that, you need to help everyone in your organization understand that they are part of the sales team - whether they have an official sales title or not.
Where did your fellow employees work before they came to your company? Who is their next door neighbor? What about their brother who works at your prospect company? Spend the time to talk to them, learn about their history, and what is important to them. Help everyone to understand that with every sale, your company - their company - prospers and their job becomes more secure.
With over 30 years of sales training and consulting experience, Joanne Black's philosophy is that no one should ever have to make a cold call. Some may see this as heretical thinking, but for Joanne Black - and her clients - there is an alternative. It's called referral selling. Learn more at www.nomorecoldcalling.com
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