Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Worst Tele-Prospecting Questions You Can Ask - Part 2

Today we're sharing the second part of this article from sales trainer Jim Domanski. Make sure you're not asking any of these questions during your prospecting calls!

Worst Question #3: What do you like about your current supplier?

In effect, here's what you are saying to the prospect, "Tell all the great things about your current vendor so that you will convince yourself not to make a change. Remind yourself why you made this brilliant choice in the first place so that you can pat yourself on the back."

Forgive the sarcasm. But this question is definitely maddening. It does nothing to help your selling cause. It builds your competitor up and because the prospect is articulating their merits it'll be awfully hard to knock them down.

Instead, ask the prospect what they like to see in a vendor. Let the prospect tell you about the ideal service they would like to get. See how you compare. Don't even bother with the current competitor. Who cares? It's not what they do, it's what YOU do.

Worst Question #4: Is there anything you don't like about your current vendor?

Think about this one for a moment. The prospect doesn't know you from Adam or Eve and out of the blue you are asking him/her to divulge the faults and flaws of your competitor. How often do you think that's going to work?

It's not.

Sure, if you get lucky you might find a flawed vendor and an annoyed prospect. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut. But in the vast majority of the calls you make, this question will get you a blunt "no." Like Maddening Question #3, the prospect is reminded that there's nothing wrong with their current supplier or, at best, better the devil they know then the devil they don't. Net result? Resistance to change.

Stick with what they'd like to see in a vendor. Determine what elements are the most important (price, delivery, selection, terms etc.) Create a general question like, "Are you getting all those elements all the time?" Ask if they've ever been caught short? Ask what they do if there's a delay or if a product is unavailable? Ask if they have a back up plan?

These questions can open doors, not close them.

Worst Question #5: what do I have to do to earn your business?

And finally...

This maddening question has been around for decades and has been driving your prospect nuts for just as long. In their mind what you are really saying is this, "Make this easy for me because I don't really want to work at it. Tell me what you want so I don't have to probe and find out."

Prospects resent this. It's lazy. And those that give you an answer often give you ridiculous answers like, "I want free shipping on every order over ten bucks...and oh...I want 120 days... oh... forget the days, how about consignment?"

Look, if you don't know how to probe for needs, start learning now!

Questions can work for you or against you. Think about your questions before you ask!

By Jim Domanski of Teleconcepts Consulting. Please visit Jim's web site at for additional articles and resources for tele-sales professionals.

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