Friday, November 20, 2009

Will They Sell For You?

Often times there are multiple people involved in the sale - and you many not even know some of them. This means your main contact then has to go and sell you to those other people - and a lot can happen in that situation. Today sales trainer Joe Guertin shows us how to avoid that situation and make the sale.

If you were a buyer, would you go out on a limb to support a new contractor or supplier? Bet you didn't think "yes" right away. These days, that decision-maker who reports to others will need your help in selling you to others.

Here are two tips on helping make it happen:

1) Don't just sell to one person, but give them whatever they'll need to 'sell' you to the rest of the team...which is best done when you:

2) Make connections with the other decision-makers. When there's a committee or other group who'll influence the decision, get an audience with them, face-to-face. The buyer is far more likely to get behind your plan when they see the others supporting it, too.

In a big-ticket, 'Complex Sale,'; a complete, internal strategy is essential. But, even in day-to-day renewals, too many opportunities are delayed or lost when a plan has to be 're-sold' internally, but without your expertise.

Joe Guertin is an advertising sales trainer, speaker and coach. His programs have informed and entertained sales professionals nationwide. Visit his Sales Resource Center at

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