Thursday, June 11, 2009

Golden Rule Of Salesmanship

As I've mentioned before on this blog, I think stories are one of the best ways to really learn something. I've often found that someone else's real-life story makes me think of my own experiences and where I might be making the same sales mistakes. This story from sales trainer Jim Meisenheimer definitely got me thinking - hopefully it does the same for you!

"I started thinking about the golden rule of salesmanship the last time I got my hair cut," says Meisenheimer. Let me explain.

I get my haircut every two weeks - it's been a habit of mine for the last 20 years. The person who cuts my hair now is Amir. I guesstimate he's in his mid-20s. He's personable, enthusiastic and usually gives me a good haircut. His routine is to cut the hair, wash it, dry it and finally style it.

Last week he has my back to the mirror so I couldn't see what he was up to. When he turns me around to face the mirror I almost screamed. The sides of my head are brushed forward and the top spiked - I mean really spiked. He said, That's the way he likes it. Unfortunately he didn't pay for my haircut - I did.

He said it made me look 10 years younger. A couple of shots of Botox would make me look 10 years younger - but not his haircut.

Remember - I get my haircut every 2 weeks. Do you think he has any clue what the lifetime value of my business is? If I were Donald Trump I'd be tempted to say, "Amir - you're fired!" Well, I'm not Donald Trump so I'm going back to see Amir on Friday for another haircut.

Before he gets his scissors working I'll ask him to read this newsletter. Better yet, maybe I'll wait until he finishes my haircut.

As a result of thinking about all of this I think it's fair to say, at least in my opinion, the golden rule of salesmanship is "Know thy customer."

When you know your customer it makes it easier for you to give them what he wants. Don't ever make the mistake of giving your customer what you want. It's not about you, it's about your customer. The customer writes the checks and pays your bills.

You can really shake up your thinking about the value of your customers by doing some simple math. Calculate the lifetime value of your customers. Determine what each customer is worth over your lifetime. As soon as you determine the lifetime value of your customers you'll probably start treating them differently - I know I did.

Jim Meisenheimer publishes The Start Selling More Newsletter, a fresh and high content newsletter dedicated to showing salespeople how to start selling more. To subscribe and receive a copy of his special report, The 12 Dumbest Things Salespeople Do, visit

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