Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Easiest Way To Make A Sale When You're Stuck

It may be the beginning of a new year, but that doesn't mean things magically changed when the clock struck midnight on December 31st. If you were in a slump before the New Year, it's likely you're still in it. If you're stuck, and can't figure out how to turn it around, you're in luck. Sales trainer Kim Duke has been there, and she knows what to do to get you un-stuck and selling again.

"Years ago I had a sales manager who said something to me when I was going through a tough stretch of selling. I couldn't close a deal if my life depended on it. He said, "Kim - if you can't make the BIG PASS then PUNT instead."

"So what does that mean? If you're getting down in the dumps because you're not closing any deals, signing those contracts or selling boxes of product as much as you want or need...then it's time to break the downward cycle!"

"You need to PUNT (which in football is a short forward kick of the ball). It's not pretty. It's not fancy. It's not huge - but it gives you a taste of success again," says Duke.

"My manager was right. I came up with a small promotion package and took it to a bunch of smaller clients and BINGO they went for it and it broke the dry spell of hard luck. Even more importantly it created confidence in me again."

"So get out there and sell something small to a bunch of people," says Duke. "Or sell a small order to a smaller, reliable client you love! You'll break the cycle of despair and panic you're feeling and start selling!"

Kim Duke is an unconventional, sassy and savvy sales expert who shows women small biz owners and entrepreneurs how to increase sales in a fun, easy, stress-free way! Learn more and sign up for her free e-zine at

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