Friday, January 30, 2009

Cold Calling Rules for the 21st Century - Part 2

Yesterday telesales expert Wendy Weiss started off a three-part series on cold calling rules for the 21st century, sharing how having a targeted list is much better than dialing number after number. Here's new rule number two:

Answer your prospect's question: Why should they be interested?

In addition to having a targeted list, your approach must be targeted to the market and the individual that you are calling. It must be relevant. There is no generic approach that will work. Preparation counts, big time. Ask yourself these questions:

--What are your prospects' challenges?
--What is their history?
--What's happening now?
--What problems do you solve for your customers?
--What problems can you potentially solve for your prospects?
--How do you help your customers?

In order to create an approach that will resonate with prospects you must dig deeply to understand them. Do your homework and do the research. They will not tell you; they'll expect you to know. Prospects today are busy; they are bombarded from all sides. If you want to get their attention on a prospecting call you need to have something compelling to say. It must be relevant. Truly understanding your prospects and their situations will help you craft an approach that will enable you to have a productive conversation with them.

Have a wonderful weekend! We'll finish this series next week.

Learn more from cold calling expert Wendy Weiss at or email her at

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