Thursday, December 6, 2007

Teaming Up to Increase Prospects

On Tuesday we talked about networking at holiday parties. Today author and sales trainer Tammy Stanley shares an eye-opening idea that will have you looking at everyone you meet in a brand new way:

One day I received a mailing from BMW telling me that I would receive a free box of Godiva Chocolates, if I came in and test drove a new BMW. I thought this was brilliant marketing. After all, people willing to spend $30 a pound for chocolate are probably the kind of people who enjoy the finer things in life.

Obviously BMW got together with Godiva and said, "If you send out a mailing to your list with this promotion, we'll pay for each box of chocolates that is redeemed through the promotion."

Who could you team up with? As you enter this holiday season of parties, keep asking yourself that questions. As you talk to people at the different holiday mixers, keep your eye out for a business that you could partner with. Sometimes the perfect blend may at first seem unlikely - just like a car company and a chocolate company joining forces.

If you team up with others, you'll find that together you can come up with all kinds of creative ideas. Stay in touch and constantly seek to improve, and definitely consider the obstacles you might encounter and how to prepare for them ahead of time!

Tammy Stanley publishes the propelling 'Sales Refinery Insights' weekly ezine for independent sales professionals. Get your FREE tips now at

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