Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cold Calling Quick Tip - Approach with Sincerity

Many people have a hard time with cold calling because they feel like they are intruding on the person they're calling. If you're just picking up the phone and dialing, then that might be the case. If you've done your research and can honestly say you think you can help them, then that's no intrusion - that's help! Today sales trainer Sam Manfer shares a philosophy that will help you right away with your cold calling.

"People don't want to be bothered, and you know that," says Manfer. "They are doing you a favor by talking with you. However, you may be able to return the favor by helping them if they have a problem, concern, dissatisfaction, or unmet opportunity."

So apologize for your intrusion -- "Sorry to bother you." Then say something like one of the following;

"Do you have any issues or concerns about XYZ?" Where XYZ is the general field you serve. In my case XYZ would be sales or revenue generation or salespeople's productivity.

"Are you satisfied with your XYZ?" If they say "Yes", ask them what they like about it. If they say, "No", ask them, "What are some things you don't like about it or are dissatisfied with?"

"Are you missing any opportunities because of XYZ?"

"Are you experiencing any inconveniences because of XYZ?"

Expect an "Everything is fine" because that's the easiest way to get rid of you. However, what you've done with this approach, and these questions, is to be polite and focused on the prospect. This helps to establish a modicum of credibility. Needs and wants, coupled with the salesperson's credibility, are what make sales happen.

You probably should start with an intro - your name and the company you represent - but quickly follow it with a customer focused statement. This, again, is to minimize the all about you effect.

For example, "Hi, my name is Sam Manfer, with Sales Mastery. Sorry to bother you, but you or your company could be experiencing some challenges that we've helped others like you eliminate. Can I ask you a couple questions?"

Putting the second person, you/your, in the front of the sentence, and the first person, I/we, at the end of the sentence makes it more about them, rather than you. This is a subtlety that has a profound, unconscious impact on the listener - it's about them!

Since 1995 Sam Manfer has been speaking, consulting, writing and leading seminars in sales and personal development. As a keynote speaker and seminar leader Sam has addressed thousands of new and experienced sales people and managers all over the world in all types of businesses and industries. Learn more at

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