When you're feeling down about the competition, sales diva Kim Duke suggests you keep this in mind: "Realize if you didn't have ANY competitors you very likely would have a product or service that NO ONE WANTS - and that's a pretty tough way to make a living."
"Back to basic economics," says Duke. "Supply = Demand. And why supply something if there isn't a demand for it?"
You want to make "meatloaf" of your competition? Then follow these 5 Sales Diva Ingredients for Healthy Competition:
"Back to basic economics," says Duke. "Supply = Demand. And why supply something if there isn't a demand for it?"
You want to make "meatloaf" of your competition? Then follow these 5 Sales Diva Ingredients for Healthy Competition:
1) Know them inside and out. Know who they are, what they do better than you and where they are lacking. Where do you excel?
2) Never say a bad word. Why? It makes you look like an idiot. Know WHY you're different and why the customer should choose you.
3) If you lose a deal - send a card. A thank you card that is. Be a gracious loser. No whining, pouting or getting angry. Ask your client what they would have needed from you to choose you. Then send them a thank-you card thanking them for giving you the opportunity to quote on their business. And then stay in touch with new relevant info. The odds are your "competitor" will do neither. You'll soon discover that your gracious loser status will often turn into Gracious Winner!
4) Out-smart them. Sell ahead by at least 90 days. Get out of the nasty habit of "selling in the month - for the month." Tap into your customer's budget before they have spent it with someone else.
5) Create alliances. You've heard this from me before. There are certain competitors who should be your best friend. You can help each other grow, pass business back and forth and motivate and challenge each other.
"Look, the world is an abundant place," says Duke. "So quit thinking small. Quit worrying about "what they're getting and I'm not." All your worrying does is shrink you and expand them. So STEP UP and start cooking yourself some business the RIGHT WAY."
Kim Duke is an unconventional, sassy and savvy sales expert who shows women small biz owners and entrepreneurs sizzling sales tips on how to increase sales in a fun, easy, stress-free way! Learn more and sign up for her free e-zine at www.salesdivas.com