Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thinking Inside the Box

Talk about an "Aha!" moment - that's exactly what I said when I read this post on Diane Helbig's blog:

"I was speaking with a business owner today who was lamenting the fact that his salesman isn't creative with the sales process. He can't look at a scenario and determine the best solution for the client. When I asked him how knowledgeable the salesman was about the industry, he admitted that the salesman had very little knowledge of the ins and outs of the product."

"My response was this - He can't think outside the box if he's never been inside it."

"Think about it," says Helbig. "It's hard to find creative answers when you don't have the knowledge base to begin with." Helbig goes on to offer suggestions for how sales managers can give their salespeople the tools they need to succeed - but if your manager hasn't done this, you need to take action and do it for yourself.

Get inside the box - talk with the successful salespeople in your company, ask your tech people for demos, check in with customer service to see how they handle problems, and learn everything you can about your company and industry. Armed with this experience, you'll be better equipped to move outside the box and make more sales!

Diane Helbig is a Professional Coach, and President of Seize This Day Coaching. She works one-on-one and in groups with business owners, entrepreneurs, and salespeople. Visit her website at http://www.seizethisdaycoaching.com

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