Thursday, April 15, 2010

Successful Habits of Professionals - Part 2

Yesterday we featured excellent tips from business and networking expert Andrea Nierenberg on how you can build professional habits that will keep your business going strong. The best part? They're so manageable, you can start implementing them today, so you start seeing the results in your business right away!

1. Be "Fed Ex" fast and "Disney" friendly - this is such a great visual and we all know exactly what it means. We live in a fast paced, nano second world. Deliver your message quickly and to the point. You may only get 90 seconds with a prospect - make sure to use that time well.

Your first 20 words help the other person decide whether or not they want to take the rapport further. Always ask permission first - it may not be a good time to talk - and go back when the time is right and always with a sincere smile.

2. Follow up and Accountability are keys to success - Always be sure to stay in touch which also communicates your intent, support and credibility.

3. Passion, Enthusiasm and Excitement Sells. As Ray Kroc who started McDonald's would say - 'I hire people who have ketchup in their veins' - What do you have in your own DNA that conveys the passion and commitment of your brand, product and service?

4. Action - not only re-action. Usually when we are in reaction mode - it is too late. Allow space in your day and your mind to visualize the future so you are prepared for the daily changes that will happen in your business. Continually listen, read, and build strong networks in all areas of your life.

5. Listen with 24/7 awareness. Your clients, advocates, friends and anyone else - will tell you what they need and ways to improve and adjust. We just need to be sure that our ears are open to what they are telling us.

6. Under promise and over deliver. You will surprise your clients and they know that you are credible and will go the extra mile. I once heard - always go the extra mile and take the high road - always less traffic there.

7. Be an innovator. Live in an environment of creativity and innovation. Encourage new ideas, systems and tools. Never be content with the 'now' - tomorrow it will be outdated. Look to continually think outside of the box or comfort zone.

Andrea Nierenberg is the president of The Nierenberg Group, a business communications company with a total process for educating, motivating and connecting people. Learn more at

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