Wednesday, April 28, 2010

They're Just Not That in to You

We've all had these infuriating customers. They don't return your calls. They don't reply to your emails. They seem interested at first. Maybe, they even met you for coffee. Hmmm, but then they slipped away. Today sales trainer Adrian Miller explains this tough situation.

But, you qualified them. You did a killer sales presentation, and you followed up diligently. You did everything right. What happened? Yes, it's time for a reality check. They're just not that into you!

Even when you've done everything by the book and gave it your all, there are those times when a customer mysteriously disappears. No doubt, it can be disheartening. However, before you get discouraged, it still might be worth pursuing. Here's what you should do.

Find Out the Reason for Their Avoidance
There are three main reasons why a prospect/customer disappears. Perhaps, their situation may have changed, and your solution is no longer viable. It's possible that the decision maker has changed, and you haven't yet identified the new one. You could have also been dumped for the competition.

Attempt to Secure a Meeting
Be assertive. Before you give up all hope, try to meet with them so that you can find out what happened. You have nothing to lose. Heck! You have nothing at all, and everything to possibly gain!

Probe for New Decision Makers and Influencers
If the problem has to do with a shift in decision makers, find out who you need to be contacting. Listen closely. Through a conversation with a former prospect who has proven not to be that into you, you might be able to determine the real influencers. If you play your cards right, you might still have a chance for a sale with these individuals.

Differentiate Yourself from the Competition
If you get a chance to meet, you have the opportunity to show what makes you different from your competition. Maybe, you didn't do such a good job in the first place of clearly communicating your specific value proposition. If you do get some face-to-face time, use it to your best advantage by spelling out how your difference equals an improvement.

Be Persistent!

When someone dumps you without a clear reason, it can be a blow to the ego. Your natural reaction may be to scamper off without following up. Yet, there still may be a sale if you're persistent. Make it your mission to find out what happened and attempt to get the sales process back on track. Your prospect might just be impressed and appreciative by your diligence and effort.

Adrian Miller is the President of Adrian Miller Sales Training, a training and business consulting firm delivering sales-level performance training and executive-level business development consulting. A nationally recognized lecturer, she is also author of "The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success".

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