Monday, July 26, 2010

Quote of the Week

"To know yourself is the first and most important step in pursuing your dreams and goals." -- Stedman Graham, educator

One of the most important things you can do is sit down and make a list of goals and how you'd like to achieve it - that's something we talk about quite a bit here. What we don't talk about all that often is what you need to do before you even write down those goals - you have to take the time to think about what you really want.

Fr you personally, it might not be that you want to make more money. It might be that you want to make the same amount of money you make now, but leave the office an hour earlier to go home and be with your family. Or you might want to be the first female president in your company, or set a company sales record. Whatever it is, it has to be something that motivates you - and to do that, you have to sit down first and really think about what you want.

Take the time to think about you want, and then get started!

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