Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Conceive, Believe and Achieve!

When asked what he believes is the most important factor in determining a salesperson's success, sales trainer John Boe doesn't go with the expected answers of hard work or attitude. (Although both are very important!) "While these factors are certainly key components of achievement, in my opinion, the critical ingredient in determining success is one's ability to stay focused on the accomplishment of meaningful goals," says Boe.

"Unfortunately, far too many salespeople look at the goal setting process as a burdensome numbers drill imposed upon them by their sales manager," continues Boe. "It's been my observation that both success and failure leave a trail and everyone is self-made, but only successful people are willing to admit it. Unsuccessful people don't set goals and have a common tendency to blame circumstances, events and other people for their lack of focus and determination."

Here are three tips from John Boe to help you clarify and achieve your goals:

1. Determine where you want to go and chart your course.
Your goals must be realistic and believable, while at the same time, challenging enough to compel you to put forth your best effort and give you pride in their accomplishment. Avoid setting conflicting goals such as I want to double my income and spend more time at home.

2. Write your goals down and visualize their accomplishment.

Anything that is worth achieving begins with a written plan. Because the mind thinks in terms of pictures, rather than numbers, I also recommend creating a vision board. For example, I have a vision board in my office with pictures of a world map, expensive cars and a vacation home at the beach. I get excited just looking at it!

3. Review your goals and make adjustments as required.

After takeoff, due to the ever-changing weather patterns, pilots must make minor adjustments to their airspeed and heading to stay on course for their destination. Review your goals daily and make minor adjustments as needed on a monthly basis.

John Boe presents motivational and sales-oriented keynotes and seminar programs for sales meetings and conventions. John is a nationally recognized sales trainer and business motivational speaker with an impeccable track record in the meeting industry. To have John speak at your next event, visit www.johnboe.com.

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